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Если коротко, то этот мальчик (со старшей сестрой) на конвент приехал только для того, чтобы получить автограф Джона и фотографию с ним. Он из своих сбережений деньги взял на это. Но они с сестрой не знали, что фото - это отдельная опция, в другой день, и за приличную цену. И когда они получали автограф, сестра спросила Джона, можно ли сфотографироваться, мол так и так, это деньги ребёнка, у него больше нет. И Джон сказал, "Ага, только быстренько", а сам незаметно СУНУЛ ЕЙ ДЕНЬГИ В РУКУ, те, что она заплатила за автограф. И сфотался с мальчиком, и сказал: "Купи себе что-нибудь хорошее".
оригинальный текст, многобуквOkay, before I fall into an endless sleep, which I justly deserve, I must tell a wonderful story. My little brother, Patrick, attended his FIRST EVER COMIC BOOK CONVENTION in Chicago this past weekend. He had only one thing on his list of things to do, which he took money out of his savings account for. His item was John Barrowman’s autograph and a picture. When we got to the autograph signing area, Mr. Barrowman was out at a panel but would be back in half an hour. Patrick wanted to wait in the yellow tape area so he could be close tot he front of the line when he got back. I stood with him and told him it would be a long wait, as past experience had shown me. We waited, and Patrick chatted with virtually every nice Whovian in line. He was quite popular as the cutie patootie who loved his Sonic screwdriver noises. We eventually waited about 35 mins give or take before John returned to his booth. I carefully read the price lists and noticed that …there was no listing for photos with John. I asked one of the volunteers working the line and he told me that there was no photos allowed and that if Patrick wanted a photo with John he’d have to go to this special event called Photo-0Op, which was an extra charge I can’t remember how much right now but it was out of our price range after the autograph. Patrick was nervouse as all get out when we finally got to the front and chose the photo we wanted signed by John. I introduced Patrick to him and Patrick said, I’m the 4th Doctor! (He was wearing the scarf and hat) John was very nice to Patrick though he was suddenly unable to talk to “Captain Jack”. I asked him, as he was signing the photo; “I’m sorry to bother you, but we’re only here for today and we can’t make the photo-op because he’s out of money, would it be possible to take a quick picture of him with you here?” John Barrowman looked at Patrick and smiled; “Sure, real quick.” Then something extra crazy happened on top of this nice gesture. He grabbed my hand and slipped me back the money we’d paid for the autograph ($35-$40 Can’t remember because TIRED) I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say. He then slipped out form behind the booth and said nicely to everyone in line “THE ONLY EXCEPTION!” And pointed to Patrick, who was freaking out a little. He asked a guy to hold our bags to make sure it was a nice picture and I captured this wonderful moment. He then whispered to Patrick “Go get yourself something nice.” He smiled and patted him on the shoulder as we thanked him and hurried away from the line. JOHN BARROWMAN IS A SAINT AND I LOVE HIM FOR MAKING THIS THE BEST CONVENTION EVER FOR MY LITTLE BROTHER!!!Вот.